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Educational measures imposed on juveniles

On September 14 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within the continuous trainings program has conducted training in the field of juvenile justice-criminal aspect, on the topic "Educational measures imposed on juveniles".

The training aimed that by analysing the applicable legislation in this field to clarify issues that appear as dilemmas in imposing and implementation of educational measures, as well as offer best practices in the application of educational measures provided by Juvenile Justice Code (JJC).

Within this training there were treated the purpose of educational measures and the benefits of their application, types of these measures, wherein were discussed in detail each of disciplinary measures, measures of intensive supervision as well as institutional educational measures. Further on there were discussed legal conditions and criteria assessed by the court in imposing one of the measures, determining their duration, as well as their role in avoiding the stigmatization of the juveniles.

The training was of interactive format, with discussion by participants on issues that training was focused on, as well as there were presented practical and hypothetical cases by trainers, on which occasion the participants were divided into groups to tackle the submitted tasks.

The beneficiaries of this training were prosecutors of basic level as well as professional associates.

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