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Roundtable for protection of the children rights in cases of divorce and in cases of domestic violence

26-27 October 2022, academy of Justice within the Continuous Training program is conducting the roundtable on Protection of the children rights in cases of divorce and in cases of domestic violence.

Panelists engaged in this roundtable are: Mr. Erdogan Haxhibeqiri judge in the Supreme Court, Mr. Nehat Idrizi judge in the Appeals Court, and Mr. Faton Ademi judge in the Appeals Court, as well as Mr. Hajredin Kuqi professor in the University of Prishtina’s Law Faculty.

The roundtable focuses on addressing the challenges in the judicial practice pertaining to implementation of material and procedural provisions of the Law on Family. This roundtable also elaborates on the issues of protection of the rights of children in cases of divorce and in cases of domestic violence that are envisaged in the Law on Family in reference to the Convention for Protection of the Children Rights.

Beneficiaries of this roundtable are judges of the Kosovo Supreme Court, the Appeals Court and of Basic Courts.

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