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Roundtable - Creating the Network “Friends of the Justice Academy”

On March 28, 2022, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the EUKOJUST project organized the roundtable: "Strengthening access to justice through judicial training in partnership with civil society - creating the network" Friends of the Academy of Justice in Kosovo ".

The purpose of the roundtable is to discuss the establishment of a coordination mechanism between the Academy of Justice and civil society organizations in advancing cooperation and providing training activities in capacity building in the field of rule of law under the umbrella of the Friends of the Academy Network.

Civil society in Kosovo has a strong role to play in monitoring and raising awareness of justice issues, especially where there are strong shortcomings that need to be addressed. A strong partnership between the Academy and civil society is essential in promoting good practice for judges, prosecutors and support staff on issues related to human rights, corruption, organized crime, domestic violence and in particular access to justice.

Topics that were addressed during the roundtable were mainly related to the role of civil society and non-governmental organizations in capacity building of free professions, the effectiveness of training organized by the Academy and the treatment of specific topics by the judiciary in Kosovo.

Representatives of non-governmental organizations and civil society welcomed the cooperation with the Academy of Justice expressing their readiness for better coordination in the future. Also, due to the concept “Friends of the Academy of Justice” the Academy aims to establish a cooperation mechanism through signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between civil society organizations and the Academy of Justice aiming to further strengthen the cooperation as mentioned above in the realization of the common goals.

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