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Training of Trainers – Development of Curricula, Adult Learning

On 27-29 September 2016, in the framework of the Regional Justice Sector, "Strengthening criminal justice institutions and the rule of law in Central and Eastern Europe". Organized by the State Overseas Department of Prosecutor Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT), US Department of Justice, Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and the Ministry of Justice of Croatia, Dubrovnik, provided training of trainers on "Curriculum development – Adult learning".

The purpose of this training course was to strengthen training institutions and development of trainer’s skills on development of strategic plans, preparation of curricula and use of methodologies of adult learning and training of trainer’s component in developing sustainable projects in more effective way.

This training focused on the guidelines on effective facilitating training practices such as: opening the discussion, managing and engaging in discussion, closing the discussion, effective techniques of questioning, guidance for managing difficult participant and moderation techniques.

The work on this training was done in groups where initially were distributed topics on the area of ​​corruption, trafficking in human beings and gender equality, whereas had to be presented by representatives of all participating states.

In this training program participated judges, prosecutors, lawyers and representatives from training institutions of the regional countries.

Kosovo delegation attended one judge, one prosecutor, two lawyers and Acting. KJI Director and Head of ITP Program of KJI.

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