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Protection at work and compensation for damage caused at work

On November 17th 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within its Continuous Training Program conducted the following training: “Protection at work and compensation for damage caused at work”.

Purpose of the training was to familiarize judges with the applicable legislation and best practices for issues that are related to protection, safety and health at work. Initially the training elaborated the rights of employees and the employer’s responsibilities in cases of accidents at work or occupational diseases. It was particularly discusses about the material laws, including the Collective Agreement and bylaws of the legal entity which are applicable in cases of accidents at work or in cases of occupational diseases.

Also, it was discussed about the trial procedure taking place based on lawsuits filed by employees in cases when they claim compensation of damage because of injury at work or occupational diseases, applicable legal provisions, the issue of administered material evidence, role of medical experts and experts for safety and protection at work.

The training involved combined methods of teaching including theoretical and practical explanations followed by examples from the case law.

Participants at this training were judges of basic instance from all regions of Kosovo. 

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