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Criminal offences against property

On November 22nd 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute, within its continuous trainings delivered the training on “Criminal offences against property”.

Goal of the training was to present cases from the judicial case law and through group discussions and provide alternatives to the problems and practical difficulties in application of the procedure for criminal offences against property.

This training elaborated in details provisions of the Criminal Code of the republic of Kosovo for crimes against property, with particular focus on some of the most frequent offences in practice. It further tackled general aspects of these offences, most frequent forms of appearance, motives and legal qualification of these offences, emphasizing the fact that there ate difficulties and dilemmas in judicial practice with regard to offences from this chapter. Part of the training was also comparison with legislation of several regional countries and their way of treating these offences.

The applied methodology at the training was combined with theoretical explanations and interactive approach that were suitable and driven participants to develop discussion and present challenges they faced in practice while elaborating these offences.

Participants of the training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance. 

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