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Initial hearing and second hearing

On December 15th 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute with the support of OSCE conducted the training on the “Initial hearing and second hearing”.

Purpose of the training was to tackle dilemmas and practical difficulties occurring in application of legal provisions referring to the initial hearing and second hearing, provide alternatives for different situations that judges and prosecutors face at this stage of the proceeding.

This training initially elaborated on main features of the initial hearing and the second hearing, development and flow of the proceeding in this stage, as well as role of judges and prosecutors in both these hearings. It further elaborated and discussed practical circumstances like: summoning the injured parties in the initial hearing, preliminary assessment of the indictment, practical aspects of return of indictment by courts, plea bargaining agreement in the initial hearing. Among others it was discussed about situations when shall the initial hearing and second hearing take place.

This training was conducted with combined methodology of teaching with interactive discussions in each stage, where participants could raise their difficulties and confusions facing in their daily court practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance from the regions of Gjakova, Peja and Prizren. 

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