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Minor offence and minor offence sanctions according to the new Law on Minor Offence

On 16 December 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute, within the Continuous Training Program conducted training on: “Minor offence and minor offence sanctions according to the new Law on Minor Offence”.

The main purpose of this training was to provide a detailed elaboration of the legal provisions of the new Law on Minor Offence (Law No. 05/10087), information of the participants with the conditions for determining minor offence sanctions, parties and minor offence liability, minor offence proceeding, special proceeding for juveniles and the procedure for enforcement of the minor offence sanctions. 

Issues dealt during this training were related to the minor offence liability, minor offence sanctions, special minor offence measures, statutory limitation of the minor offence procedure and development of this procedure according to the new law on minor offence.

The methodology used during this training consisted of combined presentation of practical examples and interactive discussions, where the participants were provided alternatives in solving problems and dilemmas arising during the practical implementation of the respective law.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic instance- minor offence division from all regions of Kosovo. 

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