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Time and stress management

On November 9th 2016, Kosovo Judicial Institute within its continuous training program conducted the training on “Time and Stress Management”.

Purpose of this training was to have participants recognize importance of the time management, the working hours, reasonable perception of working time, good and effective organization of the working time, coping with time pressure, avoiding and reduction of work delay, and effect of the relaxation time.

This training elaborated on  stress and stress characteristics, stress occurrence, causes of stress, types of stress what are warning symptoms of stress, can stress be manages, what are the techniques and initial steps for stress management, and how does stress appear at work as a wide spread social and psychological phenomenon.

Second session of this training elaborated on meditation and relaxing technique, effects of meditation, meditation practice flow, advices we shall undertake while meditating and what is the best time of meditation.

Training was delivered in form of interactive discussion and practical cases, solution of using questionnaires to determine to what extent is stress present in our daily life.

Beneficiaries of this training were administrative staff of courts and prosecution. 

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