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Activities implemented in CPT – December 2016

During December 2016, within the initial training for newly appointed prosecutors, have been implemented activities on theoretical and practical aspects.

On 19-20 December 2016, within theoretical training were developed 4 training sessions on the Module: “Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo”. Initially within the general part of the Criminal Code were addressed the notion and elements of the criminal offense, the subject and the object of the offense. Whereas, within the special part of the Criminal Code were elaborated: terrorism offences, as one of the most actual issues, murder offenses, offenses against property, focusing on theft, aggravated theft, theft, robbery, burglary and offences against life and body and human rights and freedoms.

On 27 December 2016, were implemented two other sessions from the module Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo. Within the special part of the Criminal Code was elaborated the division of criminal offences against life and body and human rights and freedoms, as well as some of the offences of Chapter XVII and XX of the Criminal Code of Kosovo.

Through practical work and assignments, the newly appointed prosecutors were engaged in preparation and presentation of different hypothetical cases.

However, besides abovementioned trainings, during December 2016, starting from 16 December, within practical trainings, newly appointed prosecutors have attended practical trainings in the respective prosecution offices, with the support of their mentors. 


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