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Protection and promotion of diversity, tolerance and equality in context of the anti-discrimination legislation

On February 2nd 2017, Kosovo Judicial Institute with the support of the Council of Europe Office in Prishtina, within the continuous training program has conducted training in the area of human right protection, focusing on “Protection and promotion of diversity, tolerance and equality, in the context of anti-discrimination legislation”.

The training was held with the purpose to contribute to enhancement of professional knowledge of beneficiaries on clarification and elaboration of the legislation complexity on anti-discrimination in Kosovo, as well as approach and equal treatment of the LGBT community by the judiciary.

This training elaborated on national legal framework regulating the area, principle of equal treatment, main concepts of discrimination, discrimination categories, as well as most impacted areas by this phenomena.

This training also conducted awareness activities on diversity, prejudice, anti-dissemination and equality.

Training was delivered through theoretical lecturing and interactive discussion of difficulties in correct application of the anti-discrimination legislation.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.

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