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Specialized Training Program on Public Procurement in Kosovo Session I

During February 10-11 2017, Kosovo Judicial Institute, within its continuous training program organized the first session of the specialized program on Public Procurement in Kosovo.

This training session aimed elaboration of positive legislation, developing the judges and prosecutors knowledge about procedures and stages of public procurement, as well as identification of corruption indicators that relate to public procurement.

This training, initially elaborated on primary and secondary legislation regulating this area, legislative changes, public procurement procedures and the operation way of the electronic public procurement platform.

In this context, the rules of technical specification and the bidding file were elaborated, drafting the tender file, tender assessment process, as well as notification, signature and execution of public contracts.

Furthermore, the training was focused on elaboration of corruptive schemes and problems related to fraud, the bid-fixing schemes as well as factors that impact on occurrence of corruption crime in public procurement.

During the last stage of this session, it was discussed about investigation planning, content of the investigation plan, identification of information sources, as well as importance for creating an investigation scheme.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic and appeals instances as well prosecutors from the Special Prosecution of Kosovo.

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