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Alternative procedures

On February 15th 2017, Kosovo Judicial Institute within tis Continuous Training Program delivered the following training “Alternative Procedures”.

Purpose of this training was enhancing the participant’s knowledge on practical implementation of alternative procedures in criminal proceedings, as well as treatment of the developing process of Negotiation of the Plea Bargaining Agreement.

This training elaborated on alternative procedures that had changes in comparison with the previous criminal procedure code, which offer possibilities for more prompt solution of the criminal cases.

This training emphasized benefits of alternative procedures, particularly for the increase of efficiency and for creating a criminal justice system that guarantees a fair trial of criminal cases.

Also, this training elaborated on important issues of alternative procedures, as a more prompt possibility for solving criminal cases, like diversion and temporary suspension of the procedure, mediation and negotiation of the plea bargaining agreement.

Training was delivered in form of interactive discussions, where participants had the possibility to present challenges and difficulties they face in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.

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