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Specialized training program on Money laundering and financial investigation – Session III

December 1-2 2022, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training program in cooperation with IRZ is conducting the 3rd session of the specialized training on Money laundering and financial investigation.

Trainers engaged in this activity are: Mr. Valon Kurtaj, judge in Special Department of the Pristina Basic Court, Mr. Behar Xhema, acting Director of the Financial Investigation Unit, Experts engaged by IRZ foundation, professor Dr. Mohamad El-Ghazi and Professor Dr. Kilian Wegner.

Purpose of this training is to provide support and rely on international and national standards for the measures taken against Money laundering and terrorism funding for recuperation of the criminal offence and the Mutual Legal Assistance between states.

Training methodology is combination of theoretical explanations and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges of the special Department, and judges and prosecutors of the basic instance.

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