News and Activities - Archive


The next meeting with the Network: Friends of the Academy of Justice

On November 8, 2022, the Academy of Justice, in cooperation with the EU Project EUKOJUST, organized the next meeting with non-governmental organizations, within the Network: Friends of the Academy of Justice.

The purpose of this meeting was to inform Non-Governmental Organizations of the activities carried out during 2022 through the Academy's training program, with a focus on specialized training for Organized Crime, corruption, domestic violence and access to justice, coordination of NGO activities with donors, as well as the involvement and cooperation with NGOs in AJ activities.

During this meeting, a corner dedicated to the Network was presented, on the website of the Academy of Justice, where non-governmental organizations will have the opportunity to see the realization of joint activities and receive relevant information for planning joint activities in the future.

Also, the participants in this meeting discussed the training curricula from both sides and the exchange of experiences and modules of interest to the beneficiaries of the Academy of Justice.

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