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Practical training of newly appointed prosecutors at the Constitutional Court of Kosovo

On 01 February 2017, Kosovo Judicial Institute within the Initial Training Program for newly appointed prosecutors, conducted a practical training in Kosovo Constitutional Court.

This training aimed to notify the newly appointed prosecutors with the role, mandate and the function of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo.

Within this training, initially were treated the main principles based on which functions the Constitutional Courts, its structure and the relation with the executive, legislative and the judiciary. Also during this training were treated the concept and implementation of the incidental control in the Constitutional Court.    

Furthermore, in detail were treated the practical work of the court, its internal functioning, authorized parties, submission and reviewing process of various cases sent to this court for further development, as well as decision making level by the Kosovo Constitutional Court.

The training was implemented through theoretical and interactive discussions, where newly appointed prosecutors had the opportunity to pose questions and treat issues related to the respective training and that falls under the competence of this court.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly appointed prosecutors, generation VI of ITP.

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