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Study visit of judges and prosecutors of the Republic of Kosovo in Bonn

December 12-16 2022, Academy of Justice with the support of IRZ is conducting a study visit for the judges and prosecutors of the Republic of Kosovo in Bonn, Germany.

Part of this visit was the Executive Director of the Academy of Justice Mr. Enver Fejzullahu, Chairman of the Kosovo prosecutorial Council Mr. Jetish Maloku, as well as Chief Prosecutor of the Special Prosecution Mr. Blerim Isufaj.

Study visit is enabled for the judges and prosecutors of the generation VIII, who completed the Initial Training in the Academy during 2020-2021. Considering the large number of judges and prosecutors in this generation, the study visit is being held in two groups. The following group will be attending this visit in the first half of 2023.

Purpose of this visit is the practical observation of working methods in the Courts and Prosecutor's Offices of the Federal State of Germany, as well as the exchange of experiences and the strengthening of contacts between the institutions of the two countries.

For three days in a row, participating judges and prosecutors will have the opportunity to learn about the regulation of the judicial system in Germany, and especially for criminal, civil, family justice, as well as the possibility of alternative dispute resolution in Germany.

Participating judges and prosecutors in the following days will also have the opportunity to visit the offices of the Prosecutor's Office in Bonn as well as the Court of First Instance to see closely their organization and functioning and also to observe a court session.

Participants in this visit are 13 prosecutors and 5 judges as well as 3 officials of the Academy of Justice.

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