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Handling cases of domestic violence

On April 19, 21 and 27, 2017- Academy of Jus-tice within its Continuous Training Program with the support of OSCE conducted three re-gional trainings on the topic of “Handling cases of domestic violence” in the regions of Prishtina, Gjilan, Peja and Gjakova.

Purpose of these trainings was to increase the participant’s knowledge about legal provisions of the Law on domestic Violence, and on han-dling cases of domestic violence in the most pro-fessional way.
These training sessions elaborated on ways to create the case at the investigation stage by the police, inclusion of the Victims Advocates and Assistance Office, investigation by the State Prosecutor, and the trial stage.

Dilemmas presented during trainings were relat-ed to obstacles that judges have during examina-tion of these cases, particularly in relation to the standard operation procedures for protection from domestic violence, precise application of legal provisions related to the procedure and timelines to decide upon writs and requests for protection order.

Furthermore, it was discussed about procedures for bringing judgments on requests for protec-tion orders, types of protection measures and their extent, execution and consequences of not executing the protection order.

Goals of the training was to use presentation of practical examples from the case law, and the group discussions, in order to provide the partic-ipants with alternatives to their problems and practical difficulties, with adequate elaboration of the domestic violence cases.

Beneficiaries of these trainings were judges, prosecutors and professional associates, police representatives that deal with domestic violence, as well as victim protection officials from Prisht-ina, Gjilan, Peja and Gjakova regions.

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