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Activities conducted in ITP – March 2017

During March 2017, training activities were carried out in fulfillment of the Initial Training Program for newly appointed State Prosecutors.

Within the framework of the theoretical training, were conducted 2 training sessions from the sub-module "ECHR - Human Rights Legislation”, addressing Article 13 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

In fulfillment of the theoretical training, were also conducted 6 training sessions from the sub-module "Criminal Report". Within this sub-module were discussed in general issues of the criminal report, the meaning of the criminal report, police criminal report, criminal report from other sources, criminal report presented to the State Prosecutor, additional information on the criminal report and dismissal of the criminal report. 8 training sessions were conducted from the sub-module "Indictment - Reviewing Procedure", within which were elaborated the indictment and its necessary elements, filing of the indictment, the rights of the defendant after submission of the indictment, amendment, extension and dismissal of the indictment, its representation by the State Prosecutor at trial stages, proposals to mental disorder perpetrators and the proposals against juveniles as perpetrators of criminal offenses.

Within this program, was also conducted the activity: “Development of the research competence and distance learning”, in this occasion, newly appointed prosecutors were registered in the platform and learned how to attend distance training, they also were informed about the procedure of drafting of the paper work “Justicia” and the possibility of using legal recourses of the Academy’s library. 

Within the practical training, newly appointed prosecutors continued their practical work at respective prosecution offices, conform determined schedule of the program, under the supervision of their mentors. Also, in fulfilling the training program, newly appointed prosecutors attended trainings in the following prosecutors: Kosovo Cadastral Agency, Mediation Committee and Kosovo Customs.    



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