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Judicial treatment of Terrorism

Based on the Cooperation Agreement between the Academy of Justice and the National School of Magistrates of France (ENM), from 26 to 30 March 2017, a Kosovo Special Prosecutor has stayed in France in a training program on "Judicial treatment of terrorism".

In the context, this training activity included topics such as: Anti-terrorist police and intelligence mechanisms, the level of terrorism threats, judicial means against terrorism and operational management, explanations related to Jihadist ideologies, terrorism investigation, anti-terrorism negotiations, the role of intelligence information in court proceedings, sight scene of terrorism cases, mines and other improvised explosive devices, court decisions and challenges in terrorism cases, radicalization in prisons and securing of businesses and assets from the terrorism threat.

The focus of this training program was directed at the practical aspect and the direct challenges of the authorities in preventing, combating terrorism and rehabilitating convicts for various offenses related to terrorism. Particular attention was paid to the role of women in indoctrination, radicalism, support and concrete assistance in the commission of terrorist offenses, as well as the involvement of children directly in the commission of various terrorism acts. This phenomenon was a concern for the respective authorities as it is increasing rapidly.

Participants to this training were judges and prosecutors from different countries from Africa and Europe who are facing new challenges in the field of terrorism and participants from Latin America. This practical program was funded by the French Embassy in Pristina.



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