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Advanced trainings for Mediation in the Criminal, Property, Family and Commercial fields

The Academy of Justice in cooperation with the US Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS), supported and funded by the Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) at the US Embassy, in the endeavors for capacity development of 13 mediators licensed as trainers within AJ, from May 20th 2023, is conducting advanced trainings on mediation in the Criminal, Property, Family and Commercial fields.

The purpose of these trainings is that mediators who are licensed as trainers, in addition to training for trainers, to gain extended knowledge on several specific areas of mediation from local experts according to the applicable legislation.

Accordingly, a series of trainings were delivered with the following outline:

On May 20 - 21, Mediation in criminal and property cases was covered by judges Mr. Agim Maliqi and Mr. Faton Ademi.

The participants had the opportunity to discuss the role of the state prosecutor and the judge in the mediation procedure, property mediation and the form of the agreement, the role of the judge in the evaluation of the agreement, etc.

The training continued on May 22 and 23 with Mediation in family and commercial matters with the trainers the Supreme Court Judge Mr. Zenel Leku, and lawyers Mrs. Vjosa Shkodra and Mrs. Njomëza Zejnullahu.

During these two days, the cases of mandatory mediation in family matters, trust of the children, joint property, suitability of the agreement for enforcement, commercial companies, mediation in commercial matters were dealt with.

All trainings were delivered with practical cases presented by the trainers. It is worth noting that the trainings were also monitored by the FMCS representative Mrs. Emily Rife.

Beneficiaries of the training were the 13 mediators licensed as trainers at the Academy of Justice, according to the Mediation Trainers Program.

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