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Stress management

On May 17-18 2017, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program conducted training on Stress Management.

Purpose of this training was to apply best prac-tices related to successful stress management which has direct impact on the working results.

First day of the training session elaborated on the meaning and importance of the time manage-ment, identification of bad elements which in-crease the stress level. The trainers put particular emphasis on the role of critiques and negative opinions, facing situations when things don’t go well, effect of the unwanted tasks and assign-ments, consequences of not using the daily breaks, how does lack of priorities impact on the work overload, what is reflection of situations when the work does not match the employees skills, and effect when the work product is used by others.

Second day of this training elaborated on the stress, stress factors, pressure, disappointment, conflict, and adjusting as an effort to face stress and disappointment as obstacles of physical, so-cial and psychological nature, that the individual may master - or does not master them - with huge efforts in order to achieve the goal which fills his/her motive.

It was also discussed about changes that come as a result of demoralized person, which may be positive changes or negative changes. Related to positive changes – it was highlighted that they have to do when a person learns that obstacles in the process of accomplishing their goals are or-dinary and it doesn’t mean that they hinder you, or bring any failure. Whilst, the negative chang-es occur from the persons’ demoralized state.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance.

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