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On May 26th 2017, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program conducted training on the Indictment.

Purpose of this training was that through discus-sions and presentation of best practices, to ex-tend the participants knowledge how to write and present in court the accusatory act in the highest possible professional level.This training elaborated on the indictment which is a procedural act that the state prosecutor prac-tices against perpetrators of criminal offences when there is a well-grounded suspicion as a re-sult of the conducted investigation. Main empha-sis was given to importance of this accusatory act, which is the fact that it puts the criminal pro-ceeding into motion and opens the way for the court to sanction the criminal offence perpetra-tors.

Initially, at the training it was discussed about the fact that a large number of indictments are dismissed by courts, because they are not in compliance with the foreseen legal terms there-fore, elaboration of this topic is of particular im-portance for the work of prosecutors, for the fact that their entire work is finalized with the filing of the accusatory act.

The training was conducted in form of interac-tive discussions, where participants could pre-sent their challenges and difficulties they face in practice for drafting the qualitative indictment which will be accompanied with the proposed evidence with the accusatory act.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.

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