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Publications Launching Ceremony

On June 7 2017, Academy of Justice with the support of the GIZ Judicial and Administrative Reform Project conducted the promotion ceremony of three legal publications: Opinio Juris magazine, Types of Motions in Legal Proceedings and Compilation of International Treaties and Legal Instruments.

The present ones at the ceremony were addressed by the Program Manager/ GIZ Mr. Karl Weber, Mr. Besim Morina Acting Director of the Academy of Justice, and Mr. Fejzullah Hasani Member of the Publications Editorial Board of the Academy of Justice. On behalf of the publication authors the participants were addressed by Mr. Valon Totaj Judge at the Basic court of Prizren, Mr. Besim Kelmendi, Prosecutor at the State Prosecutor, as well as Mrs. Remzije Istrefi, Professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Prishtina.

The GIZ Program Manager, Mr. Karl Weber, in his speech said “These publications are a result of a several year’s cooperation with the Academy of Justice expressing particular gratitude to authors of these publications”. He continued emphasizing that the GIZ Judicial and Administrative Reform Project will keep providing support for the Academy of Justice’s capacity development.

Acting Director of the academy of Justice Mr. Besim Morina among others emphasized that “the Academy of Justice’s legal mandate is to deliver trainings as well as research and publications activities. based on this and with the durable support of GIZ we preliminarily conducted a needs assessment process for judges and prosecutors in the area of publications, based on which input we produced these publications, which confidently will be supporting the professional work of judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals”. 

While Mr. Fejzullah Hasani in his speech congratulated the Academy of Justice and the GIZ for publications, considering the lack of legal publications in Albanian language and the need that competent institutions shall pay to allocation of budget for the publications area.

On behalf of the authors of the paperwork published in Opinio Juris magazine, Mr. Valon Totaj thanked the Academy for the opportunity to present the findings of their research during the practical work in courts and prosecutorial offices, particularly on some topics that were not sufficiently elaborated in legal literature, and for having the possibility to open discussions on these matters.

Compilation of Motions in Criminal Proceedings was introduced by Mr. Besim Kelmendi who was one of the authors of this publication. He among others stated that “These forms will be available to all judges and prosecutors and purpose of drafting these motion samples was to facilitate the work in judiciary, having in mind that these forms will be available also in electronic format, which will contribute to work efficiency and unification of practices”.

On behalf of the authors of the Compilation of International Treaties and Legal Instruments publication, Mrs. Remzije Istrefi stated the following “Human Rights are a constitutional category of the Republic of Kosovo, and it was considered necessary to compile all treaties and international legal instruments in Albanian language, so the legal community, particularly judges and prosecutors have access to and are able to make comparisons with the international legal framework”.

This ceremony was attended by members of the Editorial Board of the Academy of Justice, authors of paperwork and compilations, judges, prosecutors and the staff of GIZ project and of the Academy of Justice.  

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