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Training Needs Assessment Workshop for 2024

On July 27, 2023, the Justice Academy with the support of OPDAT and the US Embassy, is conducting the Training Needs Assessment Workshop for the 2024.

The purpose of this workshop is to assess the training needs for judges and prosecutors and judicial and prosecutorial administrative staff, including the priorities according to the strategic documents which oblige the Academy of Justice to fulfill them.

In this workshop, the resources needed to address all the training requirements are being examined, as well as the inter-institutional coordination with the KJC and KPC for defining the training curriculum and implementation of the trainings. Special attention is being paid to the need for training of administrative staff due to the recruitment of new officials and the need to tailor a training program to these categories.

Present at this workshop are the main stakeholders of the judicial and prosecutorial system, the Chairman of the KJC Mr. Albert Zogaj; President of the Supreme Court Mr. Fejzullah Rexhepi; Deputy chairman of KJC Mr. Qerim Ademaj; Representatives from the Prosecutorial Council of Kosovo; prosecutors from the Special Prosecution Office; President of the Appeals Court Mr. Valon Totaj; Presidents of Basic Courts and Chief Prosecutors of Basic Prosecution Offices, as well as the staff of the Justice Academy.

This workshop is being moderated by the Executive Director of the Justice Academy Mr. Enver Fejzullahu and Mr. John P. Moran, Assistant Chief in the Office of Education in the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Legal Education (OLE), supported by the legal specialist from the US Embassy Ms. Benina Kusari.


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