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Provisional Asset seizing, sequestration and confiscation

On June 21st 2017, Academy of Justice conduct-ed training on “Provisional Asset Seizing, Se-questration and Confiscation”.

Purpose of this training was to establish best practices in the area of applying legal provisions that are related to provisional asset seizing, se-questration and confiscation.

This training elaborated on issues related to se-questration and confiscation according to the Criminal procedure Code (CPP), including pro-visions of the Law on Extended Competencies for Confiscation of illicit assets, which provides the possibility for sequestration and confiscation.

Particular attention was paid to comparison of the national and international legislation, the ju-dicial case law, and to introduction of global trends of this area.

This training was delivered in the form of inter-active discussion, where the participants could present their challenges and difficulties they face in practice when dealing with cases of provision-al seizing of assets, sequestration and confisca-tion.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance.

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