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Practical Training at Forensic Medicine Institution

On 13 April 2017, the Academy of Justice con-ducted a practical training for newly appointed state prosecutors at the Forensic Medicine In-stitution in Prishtina.

The training aimed at advancing the knowledge of newly appointed state prosecutors relating the legal mandate, responsibilities and the role of Forensic Medicine Institution in providing support to the prosecutor’s work, when han-dling cases of this nature.

Initially, during the training was elaborated the overall organizational structure of the FMI, le-gal basis and current challenges faced while exercising its legal mandate.
Furthermore, was elaborated the role and im-portance of the forensic medicine in a criminal process, expertise and forensic investigation, as well as scientific-technical methods of forensic medicine investigations.

Newly appointed prosecutors in this occasion had the opportunity to closely see the practical work of FMI, by visiting its premises and by following closely the autopsy process.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly ap-pointed prosecutors of ITP, generation IV.

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