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Practical Training at Kosovo Tax Administration

On 19 April 2017, within the framework of practical training in non-judicial institution, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Kosovo Tax Administration, conducted train-ing for newly appointed prosecutors at the re-spective institution.

The purpose of this training was to deepen the knowledge of newly appointed prosecutors about the role, responsibilities and practical work of the Kosovo Tax Administration.

During this training, initially were treated the mission and vision of KTA, the organizational structure and current challenges of this institu-tion toward fulfillment of its mandate. The ap-plicable tax legislation in Kosovo was further dealt with, rates and types of taxation, applica-ble procedures by KTA, as well as other issues related to practical work of prosecutors and cases of this nature to be faced by them in prac-tice.

The training was of interactive character at every stage of the event, whereby newly ap-pointed prosecutors, together with KTA offi-cials discussed issues of common interests with the aim of establishing first steps of mutual co-operation.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly ap-pointed prosecutors of ITP, generation IV.

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