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Practical Training at the State Agency for the Protection of Personal Data

On 03 May 2017, the Academy of Justice, in cooperation with the State Agency for the Pro-tection of Personal Data, conducted practical training for newly appointed prosecutors who are attending training within the Initial Train-ing Program.

The purpose of this training was to deepen the knowledge of newly appointed prosecutors on the principles, the role and scope of the State Agency for Protection of Personal Data.

During the training, was presented a brief his-tory of the establishment and development of the State Agency for the Protection of Personal Data, the legal basis and organizational struc-ture on which the Agency performs its activi-ties. Further, the training focused on the elabo-ration of issues related to the data subject's rights, sensitive personal data, the transfer of personal data, as well as the duty and role of the Personal Data Protection Officer, which functions within the frame of other institutions.

The AHMDHP's official approach was of inter-active character providing the opportunity to newly appointed prosecutors to present and dis-cuss issues of common interest.

Beneficiaries of this training were the ITP new-ly appointed prosecutors generation IV.

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