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Practical training at Kosovo Chamber of Advocates

On 10 May 2017, the Academy of Justice with-in the Initial Training Program, conducted training of newly appointed prosecutors at the Kosovo Chamber of Advocates.

The purpose of this training was to inform newly appointed prosecutors about the forms of internal organization and functioning of the Kosovo Chamber of Advocates as an independ-ent public organization.

Initially, the Director of Kosovo Chamber of Advocates presented the duties of staff admin-istration practitioners of the Chamber, by meet-ing each and discussing and presenting the functions and duties they perform.

Further, the training continued in the training center for advocates, whereby the legislation / legal basis of establishment and functioning, the regional bodies and branches, as well as the competencies of the Council were presented for participants. Also during this training was elab-orated the role and functioning of the Training Center for advocates, as well as training pro-grams provided by this center.

Newly appointed prosecutors, in the latter part of the training, were divided into working groups, and worked on a practical case from Professional Ethics.

The training was interactive, where newly ap-pointed prosecutors raised discussions and questions about issues of common interest.

Beneficiaries of this training were the ITP new-ly appointed prosecutors generation IV.

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