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Legal Writing and Reasoning

On 19 May 2017, the Academy of Justice, with-in the framework of trainings for the administra-tive staff of courts and prosecution offices, orga-nized a training on "Legal Writing and Reason-ing".

The purpose of this training was to assist partici-pants in drafting various legal decisions and providing access and unified standards for draft-ing of all types of acts and documents of courts and prosecution offices.

This training focused on drafting, clear, logical and well-summarized documents based on IRAC methods, as a simple and logical methods for solving legal matters in order to communi-cate verbal and written legal reasoning during all phases of court proceedings.

During this training were elaborated the types decisions, documents and court and prosecution press releases, procedures for their elaboration, standards, forms and applicable procedures, gap analysis, case work, record keeping, communi-cation flow and reporting, as well as the im-portance of using correct language and official standard correspondence.

During this training were elaborated the types of acts, documents and press releases of courts, prosecution offices and procedures for their elaboration, standards, formats and applicable procedures - gap analysis, case work, record keeping, communication flow and reporting, And the importance of using the correct lan-guage and the standard of official correspond-ence.

Training methodology was based on interactive discussions by discussing cases other than judi-cial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were professional associates and legal officers of courts and prose-cution offices of various levels.

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