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Workshop for drafting by laws of the Academy

On 22, 23 and 24 May 2017, the Academy of Justice conducted a workshop for drafting by laws resulting from the entry into force of the Law on the Academy of Justice.

During this workshop, the Commission togeth-er with the working group from the Academy’s staff identified the bylaws determined by the Law on the Academy of Justice and were ini-tially defined in the following first acts: Regu-lation on the Work of the Managing Board, Regulation on the Initial Training Program and the Regulation on Trainers and Mentors.

Other bylaws defined by this law were decided to be the focus of the next workshop in order to respect the time limit set by the law.

After analyzing and discussing numerous is-sues, the commission took into account the principles and standards for drafting legal norms for the purpose of better functioning and their practical implementation.

Bylaws that were finalized to be submitted for approval by the Managing Board are the Regu-lation on the Work of the Managing Board, Regulation on the Initial Training Program, whereas the draft of the Regulation for Trainers and Mentors remained to be completed during the forthcoming workshop.

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