News and Activities - Archive


Financial Investigation

On June 29-30 2017, Academy of Justice in co-operation with the EU funded Twinning Project on International Legal Cooperation in Criminal Justice, implemented by the Prosecutors Net-work of Western Balkans conducted the work-shop on Financial Investigation.

Purpose of this workshop was to help the partici-pants identify main indicators for a more effi-cient process of financial investigation, imple-ment correctly the existing legislation, interprete correctly the investigation procedure for criminal offences with financial elements, as well as to support unification of the case law.

Principal focus of this workshop was elaboration of challenges faced during tracing, management and recuperation of income or other property related to crime, in both national and internation-al level.

Also, the training treated issues related to use of intelligence information for identification of remedies that related to assets, combating and prevention measures of money laundering and terrorism funding, with particular emphasis on asset recuperation from the law enforcement’s perspective.

The workshop was interactive and accompanied with examples from the case law and from the work of the participants.

Beneficiaries of this training were prosecutors of all instances, Kosovo Police Officials, Kosovo Customs and from the Financial Investigation Unit.


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