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Punishments imposed against juveniles

On 26 September 2017, the Academy of Justice with the support of UNICEF, conducted training on: “Punishments imposed against juveniles”.

The purpose of this training was to raise the participants' knowledge and skills in implementing legal provisions on the imposing juvenile punishments in the spirit of conventions and international standards for the protection of children'srights.

The topics presented by the trainers encouraged constructive debate for the participants.

The training session was divided into two parts, including: types of punishments that can be imposed on juveniles, conditions to be fulfilled for imposing any of these sentences against juveniles, setting the duration of the order for social service work, determining the length of juvenile imprisonment.

The training was conducted in the form of interactive discussions where participants had the opportunity to present the challenges and difficulties they face in practice regarding the implementation of legal provisions when imposing punishments against juveniles.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of juvenile department from different regions of Kosovo.

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