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Academy of Justice’s Managing Board Meeting

On October 19th 2017, the sixth meeting of the Academy of Justice’s Managing Board took place at the AJ premises and chaired by Mr. Alexander Lumezi, the State Chief Prosecutor.

As per the agenda, members of the Managing Board approved minutes of the previous meeting.

After that, the Managing Board approved the constituency of the Program Council of the Academy of Justice appointing the following members Emine Kaçiku - Supreme Court Judge, Mahir Tutuli - Judge of the Appeals Court, Afrim Shala - Judge at the Basic Court in Gjilan, Besim Kelmendi - Prosecutor in the State Chief Prosecutors Office, Habibe Salihu - Prosecutor in the Basic Prosecution in Prishtina, and Proff. Ass. Dr. Haxhi Gashi - Dean of the Law Faculty at the University of Prishtina.

The following topic in the meeting agenda for the Managing Board was selection of the Director. All members of the managing Board participated in the voting and with 8 votes in favor and 1 vote against Mr. Valon Kurtaj was elected Director of the Academy of Justice.

In this meeting, the Managing Board discussed and approved the Training Program for Administrative staff of Courts and Prosecution. The discussions highlighted necessity of this program and it was concluded that it meets all the requirements and standards of a solid training program.

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