News and Activities - Archive


Activities implemented in ITP – for newly appointed prosecutors

During September, the Academy of Justice within ITP, conducted activities for the newly appointed state prosecutors, as planned by the program.

The theoretical training component for this pe-riod has been completed by conducting the fol-lowing activities: within the sub-module: "Obtaining and communication of decision and submission of documents", was conducted one (1) training session.

Within the sub-module: "Professional Ethics" were conducted seven (7) training sessions, covering: Code of Ethics history, judicial and non-judicial activities of judges and lay judges, judicial and administrative liabilities, inde-pendence - content and the legal value of the principle of independence - the influence exer-cised by the executive and the legislature, im-partiality and general principles of ethics and professional conduct of prosecutors.

As part of the sub-module: "Initial hearing, second hearing and the main trial", four (4) training sessions were conducted, covering: initial examination, plea bargaining agreement, guilty plea during the initial hearing and pun-ishment, rejection of evidences, request for draping of indictment and the second hearing, main trial and preparations for the trial, as well as the course of the main trial.

Within the sub-module; "Investigation of finan-cial crimes”, two (2) training sessions were or-ganized.

Part of the activities carried out during this pe-riod were also practical training conducted in non-judicial institutions. In this framework, were implemented two (2) programs, one in the Public Procurement Regulatory Commission and the other in the Kosovo Privatization Agency.

Whilst, as part of the practical training, in the judicial institutions, newly appointed prosecu-tors continued their practice in the respective prosecution offices according to the schedule defined by the program.


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