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Induction training on cybercrime, electronic evidence and online illegal benefits

On 07-10 February 20108, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the EU project, implemented by the Council of Europe/iPROCEEDS, conducted an induction training on: “Cybercrime, electronic evidence and online illegal benefits”.

The purpose of this training was to advance professional knowledge of the participants regarding the nature and evidence implication on issues related to cybercrime, search and seizure and confiscation of online illegal benefits, as well as legal instruments and access to international cooperation.

The training focused on material and procedural provision of the Budapest Convection on Cybercrime and other international acts, including also legal provisions of Kosovo sanctioning the cybercrime.

Also, during the training special attention was paid to the electronic evidence and cybercrime profits considered as very complex, whereas in order to successfully combat this phenomena, it requires a cooperation among all relevant internal and international institutions, as well as experts of this filed to investigate and punish these crimes that are growing every day.

The training was developed interactively, treating practical cases, were participants had the opportunity to express their difficulties and challenges faced during their work.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance and police officers from Kosovo Police Inspectorate. 

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