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Enrichment of the Academy of Justice’ library with new books

On February 15th 2018, Academy of Justice was handed over 32 titles of books, in 306 copies by the UNHCR Mission Office in Prishtina.

This collection of books from UNHCR covers the area of the law on refugees and stateless persons that were printed by the distinguished publishing houses like Oxford University, Press Cambridge University, Routledge, Claredon Books, Taylor&Fracis, Wolf Legal Publishers, Edward Elgar Publishing, Bloomsbury Publishing, Martinus Njihoff Publishers and Zed Books Ltd.

Present at this handover donation were the UNHCR Chief of Mission Mr. N.L. Narasimha Rao with representatives, and the Executive Director of the Academy of Justice Mr. Valon Kurtaj and the Academy’s staff.

The UNHCR Chief of Mission Mr. N. L. Narasimha Rao offered his willingness for further support of the Academy of Justice, particularly in the area of the law on refugees through either trainings or development of a training module in this area.

Director of the Academy of Justice expressed gratitude to UNHCR ensuring that these books will serve to judges and trainers of the academy of Justice.

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