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Protection of the rights of children without parental care

On February 27-28 2018, Academy of Justice with the support of UNICEF, conducted within its Continuous Training Program a two-days training on Protection of the rights of children without parental care.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the participant’s knowledge on correct application of the legislation in the judiciary for issues that relate to judicial proceeding for granting legal protection for the rights of children without parental care.

First day of the training elaborated on the notion and requirements for adoption as a special form of children protection, the needs for establishing adoption, applicable legislation in both national and international area pertaining to adoption.

The training also focused on organized social forms of the guardianship for children without parental care, as well as the role and cooperation of the Social Welfare Center with the courts in cases when placing children to another foster family.

Other topics covered in this session were the custody as an institute with social character, the guardianship authority as competent body for protection of children, and ways of practicing the custody right. It was further discussed about the practice, suspension, restriction and removal of the parental right.

This trainings was delivered using combined methods of theory and practice, work in groups, followed by practical examples from the case law.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance from different regions of Kosovo, officials from the SWC from Prizren region, UNICEF officials and other officials that deal with the rights of children without parental care.

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