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Sexual abuse and exploitation of children

From February 27th – March 2nd 2018, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the US Embassy in Pristina conducted the training on “Sexual abuse and exploitation of children”. 

Purpose of this training was to enhance the juvenile judges and prosecutors skills on correct investigation, collection of evidence, as well as trial of perpetrators of these crimes in which children are victims of sexual abuse.

This training covered the investigation of physical and sexual abuse of children, collection of evidence, the need for designing and using a protocol for interviewing children in capacity of victims of witnesses. Beforehand particular attention was paid to victim children for trial, technical and tactical methods of interviewing the victim and the suspect.

At the same time it was elaborated on the technology, solving cases and investigation of pornography of children, including elaboration of the national legislation - both the material and procedural parts that regulate this area of sensitive nature.

The training was conducted in form of interactive discussions where participants could present their challenges and difficulties that they face in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were prosecutors from the Appeals Prosecution, judges and prosecutors of basic instance – juveniles department and officials of the Social Welfare Center, victim advocates and officials from the Kosovo Police.

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