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Practical training of newly appointed judges in the Independent Oversight Board of Civil Service in Kosovo

During February 13-14 2018, Academy of Justice within its Initial Training Program for newly appointed judges conducted the practical training at the Independent Oversight Board of the Civil Service in Kosovo.

This training aimed to acquaint the newly appointed judges with competencies and responsibilities of this authority (the IOBCSK), the procedure for brining decisions, procedure before reviewing the complaints, forms of decisions and timelines and actions within the employment body.

This training elaborated on legal framework, provisions that set out the procedure and timelines for complaints within the employment body and with the IOBCSK, procedure and timelines for reviewing the complaints, types of decisions, responsibilities of the persons in charge and of the institutions for application of the IOBCSK decisions, and the procedure in cases when the decisions are not applied, as well as provisions of the related legislation pertaining to functions and competencies of the IOBCSK.

It was also mentioned and explained how the monitoring function is exercised for application of the civil service legislation, how many monitoring visits have taken place, and how the reports are prepared on public institutions of both the central and local level - in the monitoring procedure.

This training was delivered in form of theoretical explanations and interactive discussion in which case the newly appointed judges had the possibility to raise questions on issues that were focus of this training.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly appointed judges, VI-th generation of ITP.

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