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Presentation of the Strategic Plan for 2018-2023 for the Academy of Justice

Prishtina, 21 March 2018, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Twinning Project: “Further support to Legal Education in Kosovo”, which is being implemented in the Academy of Justice, organized “Future Training and Education” – Presentation of Strategic Plan for 2018 – 2023 for the Academy of Justice in Kosovo. 

This presentation was attended by the representatives of European Union Office, key stakeholders of the justice system in Kosovo: Chairperson of the Kosovo Judicial Council and Chairperson of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, Chief Prosecutors, Court Presidents, KJC and KPC Secretariat Directors, members of the Managing Board and members of the Academy of Justice Program Committee, representatives of the Academy of Justice, and representatives and experts from the Twinning project "Further Support of Legal Education in Kosovo".

Initially Mr. Valon Kurtaj - Executive Director of the Academy of Justice and Mr. Klaus Erdmann-Project Resident Advisor presented the main goals and content of the Strategic Plan 2018-2023 of the Academy of Justice.

Afterwards, all present members exchanged their opinions about capacity building, training quality and judicial education.

Participants pledged for a continuation of inter-institutional co-operation between the stakeholders, in order for the Academy to implement this strategic plan, with the purpose of having more efficient judicial and prosecutorial system.

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