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Communication in crisis cases

On March 14, 2018, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Twinning Project "Strengthening the Policy-Making and Drafting of Legislation - Justice and Public Relations" funded by the EU, conducted the training on "Communication in crisis cases".

The purpose of the training was to raise and enhance the personal communication skills of the participants, as well as to expand the professional capacities of communicating their messages to the public, adapting to concrete situations.

During this training, was addressed the role of communication in the Ministry of Justice as well as other institutions such as KJC, KPC, courts and prosecution offices. Attention was paid to clarifying how government and judiciary policies affect citizens when submitting information. During the training it was emphasized that external and internal communication for media communication should be strengthened in order to provide them with the tools that help them face the challenges of daily work in public communication and to convey information quickly and efficiently.

Beneficiaries of this training were the Spokesperson of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, the Court of Appeals and spokespersons of Basic Courts, the Ministry of Justice, an official from the Institute of Forensics and the Kosovo Correctional Service.

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