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Activities implemented within the initial training for newly appointed judges during April

In April, the Academy of Justice, within the framework of the initial training for newly appointed judges, continued to implement activities planned under the training program.

In the framework of theoretical training, the following activities were developed: the sub-module "Executive Procedure" was implemented through two (2) training sessions, sub-module "Contest Procedure - Part Two" four (4) training sessions, the module "Taking and administering evidence in civil proceedings" three (3) training sessions, under the sub module "Family Law", three (3) training sessions, as well as the module “Inheritance Law” two (2) training sessions.

Within the sub-module Contested Procedure - the second part has elaborated the following topics: securing of the claim, interruption and dismissal of the contested procedure, disrespect of the court, costs of contested procedure. From the sub-module Enforcement Procedures have been elaborated: execution on movable and immovable items, remedies in the execution procedure and return of the employee to the working place.

During this period, the family law has been dealt with: gender and its types, spouses' rights and duties, marriage resolution, divorce proceedings, compulsory education and parental rights, objection and confirmation of maternity or paternity, adoption, and property relations between spouses. Whereas the theoretical training part of this period was conducted under the module the hereditary right where the focus has been on inheritance based on the law, the indispensable part and necessary heirs and transactions between the living, inheritance based on the will, the unworthiness and exclusion of indispensable heirs, procedure for the examination of inheritance, opening of inheritance, and portioning of inheritance. During this period, within the scope of professional competence, the newly appointed judges have been able to elaborate and extend their knowledge about the witnesses and experts in cases of taking evidence, to understand the capacity of persons who have to prove and establish the relevant facts in a contested matter, as well as the role of expert proceeding from relevant fields.

While the practical training component for this period was conducted through the practice of newly appointed judges in the respective courts, in accordance with the schedule defined by the program. Newly appointed judges during April also conducted training in the Kosovo Probation Service and the Privatization Agency of Kosovo, who were able to discuss the role, structure and problems presented in practice.

Initial training for newly appointed judges is attended by 54 newly appointed judges, five of them from the Serb community.

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