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Seizure and confiscation

On 17 May 2018, the Academy of Justice, with the support of GIZ, within the framework of the Continuous Training Program conducted training on: "Seizure and confiscation".

The purpose of this training was to advance the professional knowledge of judges and prosecutors participating in the proper implementation of the legal provisions that sanctions criminal offenses related to organized crime, corruption, and problems that arise in practice in order to apply uniquely the legal provisions in force.

During this training, the importance of seizure and confiscation of assets was treated as evidence, as a means of committing a criminal offense or as a material benefit gained by a criminal offense. Attention was paid to the measures that may be proposed for the provision of property and what are the temporary measures for the provision of property, for which the state prosecutor has gathered evidence showing a grounded suspicion that the property has been used while under investigation, and which can be considered as a criminal offence.  

Previously through the examples were analyzed the methods for asset identification and the process of seizure and confiscation of assets acquired by criminal offense.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instances from different regions of Kosovo.

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