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Training of trainers in the area of freedom of expression and the media

On 17-18 May 2018, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the CoE Project Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media i South Easter Europe – JUFREX conducted training on Freedom of Expression and the Media.

Purpose of this training was increase of training capacities in the area of freedom of expression based on the ECtHR standards, concretely on basic principles of the freedom of expression and terms for its limitation, defamation, the right to access on public documents and whistleblowing.

During this two-days training it was elaborated on basic principles of the freedom of expression and terms for its limitation – implementation of the three-step test in small groups, the right for access to information, discussion on methodology and content of the training, protection of whistleblowers – the six step test, and the defamation.

The training was conducted by experts of the Council of Europe specialized in the area of freedom of expression based on the training manual, which is prepared by JUFREX Project of the Council of Europe.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors from Kosovo, trainers at the Academy of Justice, as well as judges and prosecutors from Albania.

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