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Training on Communications

On May 30 2018, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands is conducting a training for court and prosecution management on Communications.On May 30 2018, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands is conducting a training for court and prosecution management on Communications.

Purpose of this training is to extend the personal communications skills, identification of the right time for the press judge and prosecutor to engage in the media, as well as identification of the right tools or channels of communication for informing the journalists.

This training is elaborating on the role of the press judges in Netherlands, who shows one part of the story, tools utilized for informing the public, use of these tools – writing a press release related on a decision.

The training is being delivered using partial theoretical lecturing and comparative approach; the training will also deliver practical exercises, encouraging the participants to write a press release, and discuss the cases and decide what tools of communication they will use.

Beneficiaries of this training are Court Presidents and Chief Prosecutors of the Appeals and basic instance, as well as judges from the Kosovo Supreme Court.

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