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Work management in the prosecutorial system administration

On April 24-25 2018, Academy of Justice in cooperation with GIZ, organized training on Work management in the judicial system administration.

Main purpose of this training was to enhance knowledge of participants about competencies, mandate, planning, organization, control and legal framework for prosecutorial administration management.

This training session covered the management and leadership, distinction between management and leadership, management levels, administration management in prosecutorial system, planning and decision making.

It also elaborated on types of plans in the prosecutorial system and their mutual effect, planning of human resources, budget, services and infrastructure, the structure and content of a standard plan.

Particular emphasis was put on internal and external processes of work, rational use of human resources, working methodology with the staff, performance evaluation and equal treatment of staff, efficiency and accountability of the administrative staff of courts, accountability and reporting.

The training was conducted in form of interactive discussions where participants had the possibility to present challenges and difficulties in their daily work.

Beneficiaries of this training were staff of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council Secretariat and of Prosecutions.

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