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Roundtable with judges

On June 1st 2018, Academy of Justice with the support of the GIZ Legal and Administrative Reform Project conducted the second roundtable with judges for on the “Handbook on Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and Reference to it by Regular Courts”.

Purpose of this roundtable was to present the work made so far in drafting the Handbook on Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, and discussion with participating judges about the need of using this handbook.

At this roundtable it was discussed about the purpose of preparing this handbook, methodology used for drafting this handbook, cases that are elaborated and areas of impact, as well as other issues related to this handbook. Particular attention was paid to reasoning of the Decisions of the Strasbourg Court, which are impressive for all the jurists, and which methods are integrated in this handbook about each article of the Convention, enabling an easier use of this practice by judges of Kosovo.

Judges expressed that they are pleased with the work in this handbook, and at the same time presented the need for using it considering that human rights are integrated in the Kosovo’s Constitution and considering its orientation for EU integration.

After completion of this draft handbook, a workshop for the use of the handbook will be held.

Participants in this roundtable were judges of all instances of Kosovo Courts, mainly from the basic instance.

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