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Activities implemented within the initial training for newly appointed state prosecutors during May

The Academy of Justice, in terms of fulfilling the training plan, has continued to conduct the activities planned for May, within the Initial Training Program, which are being followed by newly appointed state prosecutors.

During May 2018, within the framework of theoretical training, the following activities were conducted: under the module: "European Convention on Human Rights", were conducted seven (7) training sessions, sub-module "Indictment – reviewing procedure" three (3) training sessions, under the "Initiation of formal investigation and criminal procedure" module, five (5) training sessions, and a criminal report, one (1) training session.

Within the sub-module "European Convention on Human Rights", the following topics have been elaborated: Article 5 par.1 of the ECHR - Presumption in favor of freedom, procedural guarantees in cases of deprivation of liberty, Articles 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3, then Articles 8, 13 and 14 of the ECHR. Also from the sub module "Initiation of formal investigation and criminal proceedings" were addressed: extending and re-initiation of investigations, covert and technical measures of surveillance and investigation, witnesses and their proceeding during the investigation phase, special investigative opportunity, and freezing and seizure as a procedural action during the investigation phase.

Also during this period, within the sub-module "Indictment – reviewing procedure", were elaborated necessary elements of the indictment and the rights of the defendant after the submission of the indictment. Through this sub-module, especially with the practical part, it is aimed to achieve the preparation of prosecutors, so newly appointed prosecutors do not have obstacles and ambiguities in drafting and presentation of prosecution acts during their work. The "Criminal Report" module was conducted through a training session where newly appointed prosecutors were able to advance their knowledge of criminal report as initiators of criminal proceedings, differentiate criminal reports from other forms of reporting, and decide properly on criminal reports.

During the implementation of these training sessions, a combined methodology was applied, including theoretical lectures and interactive discussions, where newly appointed prosecutors raised dilemmas which they also notice during the practical phase of training in the respective prosecution offices. Through their practical duties and exercises, they engaged in the preparation of various cases.

While the practical training component for this period was conducted through the practice of newly appointed prosecutors in the respective prosecution offices, according to the schedule defined by the program. Newly appointed prosecutors during May have conducted practical training in the Kosovo Police, who have had the opportunity to discuss the role, structure and problems encountered in practice.

Initial training for newly appointed prosecutors is attended by 22 newly appointed prosecutors, three of whom are from the Serb community.

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